This DX site was created to let fellow dxer's know what we are up to while on DXpeditions in our former Walsoorden site (HOL) and the new site near Veurne, West Flanders, Belgium. We hope it inspires other dxers to try DXpeditions.

We travel to such locations to escape noise and to be able to put out long beverage antennas. Something we cannot do from home. DXpeditions take place several times a year. Usually in winter. Dxer's from Belgium and The Netherlands take the opportunity to dx from such rural dx location.

Are you interested in future dx trips? Get in touch with us. Send an email to us. We are always happy hearing from dxer's from other countries.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The sun always rises in the morning at Walsoorden - Just like a hot air balloon

DX Hot air balloon rides at dawn over Walsoorden
It has been a very busy 24 hours and out of the ashes of the evening (High winds and noise) we actually heard some reasonable signals. Saturday evening the Asian signals were again very strong however nothing really new was observed. Stations like HLAZ on 1566 (Check it out here) and WYFR on 1557 were like Europeans at times. These stations stayed with us for quite a few hours. Remarkable reception indeed.

981 Voice of Guanghua was observed at nice levels at around 1900 UTC. Other stations from Asia heard were 1098 Voice of Asia mixing with CRI, 1413 JOIF Fukuoka at 2000. IRIB Iran on 1503 // 1512 and 531 khz at 2109. 1296 VOA Kabul at 1729. AIR Nagpur was one of the poorer Asians heard on 1566 at 1710

* You can see the Google Earth file of our antennas at:

North America
Very strange reception of 590 VOCM on all antennas. This has been the first station in on most nights. Other stations heard were 1470 WLAM, 1540 CHIN and the other commonly heard stations such as 1130 WBBR etc.

We jumped out of bed full of energy needing a huge hit of caffeine to discover that the band was rather average.. However.. conditions picked up around sunrise and some interesting stations were heard. Levels were not great but you could pick bits and pieces out.

Some of the stations heard were: 590 VOCM, 660 WFAN, 770 WABC, 790 WAXY, 850 WEEI with ESPN sports, 870 WWL, 930 CFBC, 970 Tent: WZAN, 1030 WBZ, 1130 WBBR, 1140 WQBA with SS, 1620 Rebelde, 580 CFRA.

Just after sunrise (about 0540) after observing a hot air balloon rising from a neighboring farm conditions changed towards Latin America.

Some of the interesting signals Guido and I observed were 1070 which we presume was Radio Mundial Venezuela, TWR Bonaire was again heard on 800 at 0610, Rebelde on 710 and 1180. But we have so many recordings to go through with the Perseus on many frequency's such as 1060, 740, 1450, 1100.

Okay we know about the last supper.. but here at Walsoorden we are having the Last Breakfast until the next dx trip. We shall update this page with proper logs in the coming week.

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